DIY Rainbow Sprinkle Bath Bombs
I’m really trying to focus on some colorful and happy projects to get through the cold, dull and dreary winter season. Today I’m sharing some Rainbow Sprinkle Bath Bombs that are, what I like to call, “Valentine’s Day-inspired.” Heck, they’re really perfect for any time of year and they’d make a great gift for the ones you love! Mother’s Day is only a couple months away. Hint. Hint.
So, the idea for these bath bombs came to mind the other day as I was looking for some paprika in my horridly disorganized kitchen cabinet. Behind the garlic powder (where I thought the paprika would be) was a bottle of citric acid.
During canning season in late summer I always make sure to pick up a couple bottles at the grocery store to have on hand. For some reason, this jar got separated from the rest of its family members and I lost track of it.
Although citric acid is easiest to find in stores during canning season, if you’re desperate and can’t find it in your local stores this time of year, you can get it through Bath products are so much fun to make on your own. They make great gifts and it’s so much more affordable to make some of this stuff yourself! Make sure you check out my Easter Egg Bath Bombs, Peppermint Bath Bombs, Vanilla Sugar Lip Polish and all of my DIY beauty ideas!
So, before I get too far ahead of myself, let me list out the ingredients you’re going to need to make these beautiful bath bombs:
Ingredients (Will make 6-9 large bath bombs)
- 8 oz. Baking soda
- 4 oz. Epsom salt
- 4 oz. Cornstarch
- 4 oz. Citric Acid
- 3 teaspoons water + additional drops as needed
- 2 teaspoons fragrance oil, etc. or 8-10 drops essential oil
- 2-5 drops food coloring
- Silicone heart mold
- Rainbow Nonpareils
Because I was making heart-shaped bath bombs, I used some pink neon food coloring and a cotton candy fragrance oil. So much fun, right?! So, let’s get started!
In a large bowl, combine the Epsom salt, cornstarch, baking soda and citric acid. Stir the ingredients together using a whisk.
In a separate small bowl, mix together your wet ingredients: water, fragrance and food coloring.
I know a lot of people who spend a ton of money on bath bombs. I’m here to tell you. . .it’s not necessary! You can make your own so affordably! And I promise you, it’s super easy. You’re with me so far, aren’t you? Of course you are!
Alright, now slowly whisk in the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients a little at a time. Don’t dump the whole thing in at once because you’ll ruin the fizz. How? Well, the fizz will happen now instead of later. . .when you actually want it in your bath. So pour lightly and slowly while whisking away!
Rainbow Sprinkle Bath Bombs - Watch the rainbow appear when these bath bombs hit the water and start to fizz! They smell great, they're fun to make and they're soothing to the skin!
You want to get the mix to a “clumping” consistency. If it seems to be a little dry, add a drop or two of water at a time and continue to mix. Use your fingers to test the consistency. Pinch a bit between your fingers. Does it stick together? Yes? Then you’re ready to put it into your mold.
I can get about eight bath bombs out of this mold – nine if I’m not filling them completely to the top, but you know me. Go big or go home. So, yeah. I fill them to the top and then I slide a butter knife across the top to clean up the excess around the mold. I have two of these molds, so the excess I just packed into my second mold.
Okay, now for the the fun part. Get out those sprinkles and start shaking them on! I just put sprinkles on the tops of my bath bombs (which are technically the bottoms). If you want sprinkles on both sides, you can shake some into the mold before you add the powder mixture.
I like to have more control over the placement of the sprinkles so I usually just add them to the top of the mold and then lightly press them into the powder using the back of a small spoon. Those little infant feeding spoons still come in handy! Raise your hand if you have a couple in your kitchen drawer, too!
Rainbow Sprinkle Bath Bombs - Watch the rainbow appear when these bath bombs hit the water and start to fizz! They smell great, they're fun to make and they're soothing to the skin!
If you feel like the tops of your bath bombs are still a bit too “powdery,” you can always spritz the tops with a little water. A LITTLE water. Otherwise you’re going to have premature fizzing again. 😉
Alright, now you wait. Like overnight wait. I’d say at least 12-14 hours for sure – 24 hours if you want to be certain that they’ll pop out of the molds for you with no problems.
credit by Bitzngiggles
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